Download the best applications that will help you manage and open PDF files on your Android and iPhone

PDF files are files that you can easily access to various files and documents as well as files that have many images and documents and documents in order to read and know what is there, where you can read anything from the text and you can use the PDF files from your phone Smartphone or Tablet and all you need now are applications that help you open PDF files, so in this article we will offer you the best free applications that support reading PDF files on your mobile phone.

⦁ Adobe Acrobat Reader

This is a multi-tasking application where you can view and select PDF files. It allows you to take pictures by using the camera on your mobile phone and you can save them directly to PDF files. Adobe document cloud This allows you to access your documents anywhere, anytime.

Download the application for Androidios


This application is an agency suite where it reads PDF files and edits them. It is similar to Adobe Acrobat Reader. It allows you to take pictures from your mobile phone and can save them in PDF files. It also allows you to create PDF files by Word, Exel, Powerpoint, and text files You can also add bookmarks as well as view annotations.

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⦁ Polaris office

This application allows you to work on multiple document types such as WPS and office suit. This application contains many additional options and features, including adding file annotations and converting files from one format to another. It also has a powerful search tool that allows you to search for PDF files by name File or book or through the contents contained within it.

Download application for Android - ios
